The event took place on November 20 at Lago in the 11th arrondissement of Paris. Aurélien Thomas (Gentlemen 1919), Jules Bernard (Les Planqués), Grégoire Soushko (L'Ours Bar), Maxime Mannevy (Bar KléberThe Peninsula) and Oliver Eardley (Ivy Cocktail Bar) were all gathered for the very first final of Coquerel’s Coq Tail competition.

In the end, since the challenge involved pairing a cocktail with chocolate, the competition was so close that the judges decided there wouldn’t be just one winner—but two!

Thus, Maxime Mannevy and Oliver Eardley took home the victory with the following recipes:

Tea Time by Maxime Mannevy

  • 60 ml of Coquerel Fine Pale calvados
  • 60 ml of Lapsang Souchong tea
  • 2 dashes of saline solution
  • 20 ml of homemade watercress syrup

Garnish: a watercress leaf

237 by Oliver Eardley

  • 45 ml of Coquerel Fine Pale
  • 10 ml of vanilla liqueur
  • 1 barspoon of Benedictine
  • 4 dashes of Spiced African Cacao Tincture*
  • 2 drops of saline solution

Garnish: Dark chocolate and calvados truffle

*Homemade with African cocoa beans, cinnamon, Sichuan pepper, nutmeg, cardamom seeds, and Coquerel cider brandy